Member-only story
#1 Thing You Can Do To Help Yourself If You Feel Like You’re Doing Too Much
It’s a simple answer, but it’s not so simple to do. It takes practice.
What is this magic?
Learn how to say no.
Don’t want that volunteer position, but don’t know how to say no? Try something like this: “Wow, thank you so much for thinking of me for this. I am flattered, but I am not in a position right now to do that. I’m sure you’ll find someone else who will be a great fit.”
Don’t want to go to that party? Try this: “Thanks for the invitation; I really appreciate it, but I’m not going to be able to attend.” If they press, remember that you do not owe them any explanation just because they extended an invitation. They asked; you said no. That should be it. If they do ask why, just repeat that you aren’t able to attend. The reason is really none of their business, especially if they are not a close friend or relative. Do remember, though, that they probably invited you because they value your company, so be pleasant when you decline, and don’t get angry or upset if they question you. Keep smiling and repeating that you can’t attend. Eventually they will get the hint.
Most times, though, a party really isn’t going to make a difference if you’re feeling like you’re overwhelmed…