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10 Tips for Overcoming Procrastination
2 min readMar 27, 2021
- Put tasks you procrastinate over into a “job jar”. Do one task from the job jar before you do anything else each day.
- If you procrastinate on a certain task, but are not usually a procrastinator, the task is the problem. See if you can identify the issue with the task and work out a way to fix it.
- If you procrastinate because you hate doing a particular task, congratulations — you’re human. Try shamelessly bribing yourself with a reward to get it done.
- If you love doing something, but find yourself procrastinating, you’re either afraid of failure — or success. Figure out which one it is, and work on that.
- If you’re facing a difficult task that is causing you to procrastinate, break it down into smaller steps and do each one, step by step.
- Procrastination can sometimes be the result of too much mental clutter. Review your to-do list and eliminate everything that is not immediately necessary to complete that day.
- If you’re a perfectionist, give yourself a break. When you procrastinate, it is especially hard because you’re dealing with the cause of the procrastination AND the self-perception that you’re not perfect. And if the word “procrastinate” is your ultimate nightmare and secret fear, it is almost guaranteed that you’re a perfectionist. Ask me how…