Member-only story
Age-Appropriate Chores
Last week I talked about delegating chores to your kid(s). This week I have a pretty comprehensive list of age-appropriate chores for you.
Before you begin:
You know your kids better than anyone else. When thinking about which chores to introduce them to, be mindful of their interest, ability, and maturity level. Just because I say they can do it when they’re 5, you may realize that they need to wait until they’re 7. And that’s ok. Use my list as a guideline, and adjust as needed for your family.
Ages 2–3
How many times did you cringe when you heard “Mommy! I HELP!” Look, you know that they’re not going to do a good job. Accept that going in. But if they’re interested, let them try. If nothing else, it gets them in the habit of helping around the house. The best chores for this age group are picking up their toys and books, helping you to make their bed, helping you to wipe up spills, putting their dirty clothes in the hamper, and helping you to feed pets.
Ages 4–5
The best chores for this age group are helping you to bring in groceries and put them away, helping you to prepare meals, helping you set and clear the table (if you’re comfortable with them handling your dishes without breaking them), and dusting.