Member-only story
Being Organized Doesn’t Mean Being Perfect
I’ve mentioned this before, but I wanted to address it again.
Look, we’re all human. And even with the best intentions and routines and to-do lists, sometimes things get missed or forgotten.
Here’s what I’m talking about:
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote and edited my weekly email newsletter. I sent myself a test version, as I always do, to check that it looked ok, that there were no typos, and that the links worked. All was good.
And then, on Thursday afternoon, I realized that I hadn’t seen the email or received notification that the broadcast had been sent. I went in to the program, and sure enough, the email had not been scheduled. Apparently, I either got distracted or just assumed since everything was ok with the test email that it was all good to go. Of course, I sent it out immediately.
But it got me to thinking about how I can help to keep that from happening again. Obviously, there is really no way to guarantee that, but there is something I can do to lower the chances. I added a reminder to my calendar every Wednesday to go in and double-check that the email has been scheduled for the following day. It only takes a few seconds to do, and now I won’t forget. And, if it turns out that I have not scheduled the email, I can do that in a few seconds too.