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I currently live in the southwest, in Tucson, Arizona. Tucson is very big on tradition, and one of the biggest, every year, is the Rodeo. The official name is La Fiesta de los Vaqueros. Most people just call it the Rodeo.
It’s so big that the schools have adjusted their calendars. Usually, President’s Day is the same week as Rodeo, and instead of getting off for President’s Day, the kids get off that same week on Thursday and Friday. So we can all attend the rodeo.
Guess what?
I’ve lived here for 23 years, and I’ve never gone.
I’m not against tradition, but I do have an issue with the animals. And yes, I know that there is more to the entire event than the bull riding, etc. The truth is, it doesn’t appeal to me whatsoever.
When the kid was younger, we’d take off for the weekend and go to Disneyland. Or San Diego. Or up to Phoenix. And funnily enough, we’d run into a lot of people from Tucson. I learned that we aren’t the only ones who left the city for that weekend, but plenty still stay.
One year, we decided to stay and do some things around town. We attempted to go to the zoo, but it was so crowded there was no place to park. So we tried the movies — and couldn’t get tickets. It was crazy.
This year, the Rodeo has been postponed due to Covid. The school hasn’t adjusted the…