Member-only story
First, I am not here to debate the merits of vaccination. I believe in it, and I have ensured that my child has been vaccinated as recommended by his pediatrician. I get annual flu shots, and whenever my doctor tells me that she thinks I need anything additional, I follow her advice. After all, what’s the point of having a doctor to advise you about your health if you’re not going to follow that advice? But that’s a topic for another day.
Today, I want to talk about the Covid vaccine.
Our Governor announced on Monday 3/22 that everyone 16 and older will be able to make appointments to get the vaccine beginning on Wednesday 3/24, which was yesterday. On Monday, I pre-registered online with the state site so that I would be ready to try to get an appointment as soon as I could.
I hopped online a few minutes before 8am, which is when they were set to release appointments. After trying for about 90 minutes, I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to snag a drive-through appointment — for the same day! I am thrilled to report that I got my first shot yesterday afternoon.
The entire process was really easy and relatively quick. There was a constant stream of cars coming and going, and for the amount of people I saw, I think it was very well done. I got there at 4pm, and even after waiting the recommended 15 minutes post-shot to make sure I didn’t…